Monday, October 4, 2010

October 4, 2010

"10-4 Good Buddy" Remember those words? A while back this phrase was part of the common vernacular. It came from the days of CB radios and oil embargoes. It was, and still is, a way to say "Thank you."

Many of us no longer use CB radios as a way to communicate while we traveled or to eavesdrop on truckers or to find out where the next state police car was waiting, but we still remember the experience.

I'm sitting in Louisville at the Fall Polity Conference with presbytery stated clerks and executives from all over the denomination. We're in the process of looking at the constitutional amendments coming up, including the new Form of Government. We spent the morning discovering how the many presbyteries propose to deal with the process of acting on the overtures.

In Pines, we'll be examining these items in the near future. Gary Miller, soon-to-be moderator of the committee on Polity, will be sending out information pieces about how and where we can gather to discuss the items before us. I hope and really do pray that you will take every opportunity to learn and discuss these more important items.

'til later.......

BTW (By the Way) today's date is 10-4.

Friday, July 23, 2010

General Assembly, the event, has come and gone. What we learned and what we have to do in response to the GA is now beginning. If you haven't received notice you will soon about an agreement we made with the Outlook. We have arranged to provide each congregant in the presbytery access to a summary document prepared by the Outlook to be used as a bulletin insert. I encourage you to use it. in addition, the Office of the General Assembly (OGA) has produced a pdf file as a summary about the GA. You can download it from the GA210 website. Again, while these resources are available, they will not work if we don't circulate them.
In addition to te printed documents, Dan Hignight, Ron Brown and I will be in Dallas on Wednesday, July 28, to meet with execs, stated clerks and moderators of all the presbyteries in the synod to discuss and reflect on some of the specific items coming down to our presbyteries from GA. I'm sure we will learn a lot and have much to share.
On a personal note, I will be away from the presbytery from July 30 through August 5. Edith, the girls and I will be on a end-of-summer/pre-college-departure family trip. Our oldest, Katherine, leaves for the University of the Ozarks on August 15, so we're having mixed emotions of joy and fear as she leaves home.
Keep Dan and Kathleen in your prayers. Kathleen fell last week and broke her right arm, requiring surgery last Friday morning. This week they found that there is still a crack in the bone nearer her elbow and below the rod that was inserted.
We said goodbye this month to Melodie Long. Melodie, who has served us well as pastor of Trinity, Jonesville and a variety of presbytery-level jobs, has moved to Sackett Harbor, NY as pastor of the Presbyterian Church there.
I won't post anything next Friday due to my trip, but will be back here on August 6. Don't forget about Pines School on August 7 in El Dorado. Get your registrations in.

'til later....

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Back home in Ruston.
Preparing to do a presentation on GA tomorrow (Sunday) at Shreveport First. By the time I got back home, the Stated Clerk and Moderator had posted a pastoral letter to the church along with some FAQs about some particular actions taken at GA. I would encourage you to read them and share them with your congregations.
My first quick thoughts are that I am exceedingly proud of the commissioners and YAAD we sent from Pines. First of all, they behaved themselves. But more than that, they were engaged, asked strong questions and came away energized about this incredible thing we call PC(USA).
My wife, Edith, attended the GA with me. As CPM moderator, she had a chance to participate in a training event with CPM moderators from throughout the country. On the way back home she talked about what she learned and how she can't wait to share her learnings with our CPM.
I had a conversation with Marvin Groote, interim executive presbyter from South Louisiana, and we talked about what if we had a joint presbyteries' meeting, probably in Alexandria, in the fall of 2011? The three presbyteries in Oklahoma have held a tri-presbytery event for a number of years. What a great opportunity to get together with our brothers and sisters from the south (and they with their brothers and sisters from north Louisiana and south Arkansas) for a time of fellowship, worship, prayer and sharing the stories of God's work in our midst.
There's to be another Big Tent event next summer in Indianapolis. I think we should get a group together and join with over 2000 other Presbyterians there. Watch for more information from the presbytery office.
There's a lot of work and praying and studying to be done between now and the February meeting of the Presbytery of the Pines.
Get on and hold on! It's going to be a heck of a ride.
The text for the GA was "out of believers' hearts shall flow rivers of living water"- John 7:38. Rivers are moving, dynamic entities. Our church is a moving, dynamic entity. God is calling our church to new opportunities of mission and to create new disciples for our Lord, Jesus Christ.

'til later.....

Friday, July 9, 2010

Well, today certainly has been one of compassion and passion from the prayers to the music to the debates. The day began with a request to reconsider the actions of last evening to reopen debate around Civil Unions and Christian Marriage. The Assembly did not approve the motion to reconsider and went on.
The day was filled with quick motion on many items. Consent agendas were used widely to combine certain committee actions.
The Assembly overwhelmingly adopted the amended report on the Middle East as the amended report was much more balanced than the original document.
A significant debate took place over the recommendations pertaining to the Board of Pensions. The commissioners approved a request to urge the Board of Pensions to provide coverage for members, same-sex partners and children. This only pertains to any non-ordained persons. This extended coverage will result in an increase in Board of Pension dues by all persons of no more than 1% beginning in 2012. The Assembly also approved item 18-12: "The 219th General Assembly (2010) urges the Board of Pensions to develop a plan to ensure that funds from any Relief of Conscience churches do not go to fund abortions through any avenue." Of particular import is the use of the word "urge". The General Assembly lacks the authority to "instruct" the Board of Pensions, so the use of "urge" is the strongest term possible. The Board of Pensions has responded quickly when urged in the past and assured the Assembly that they will respond in this case.
The Assembly heard and acted on a report from the Committee on Polity, committee 05. To read this committee's actions and any other committees' actions, log on to pc-biz.

'til later.....

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The General Assembly combined the majority report and minority report on Civil Union and Christian Marriage into one and sent it down to the churches and presbyteries for study. With this action the GA also answered all other pending business within committee 12 with the action. What does this mean? I believe it means that this assembly makes no change in our current standards regarding marriage.
The Stated Clerk and I will begin to soon form response groups to develop strategies for interpreting GA actions to the presbytery.

'til later....
The GA just voted 53/46/1 to replace G-6.0106b with new language as found in 06-09 on pc-biz. We have lots of prayer and work in front of us. This amendment will be sent down to the presbytery for our action in February.

'til later....
Good Morning!!
Attended worship this morning to commission and re-commission mission co-workers and youth volunteers. I remembered Les and Cindy Morgan and their incredible gift to Christ's Church and to us in the Pines.
There is a sense of quiet this morning. I don't know whether it's exhaustion, boredom, or anticipation of what might come. We shall see.
Had dinner with our commissioners last night. Donna, Beth and Jessica are already beginning to discuss their presentation to presbytery in October.
Have a great day. I'll send periodic updates as things progress.

'til later.....